Sunday, 9 June 2013

A Hard Day's Knight

1. Aaaargh, it's morning again. The beast awakens...
2. It's going to be a long day, so a hearty breakfast is in order

3. What, why you laughin'?
4. Did I say somethin' funny? Huh, did I, punk?
5. A-ight, you're cool. I'm gonna let you walk this once  - shoosh.

~ Intermission: Out Fishing ~

~ End of Intermission ~

6. OK, I'm back! Where do we get started...
7. Let's gather the tools of the trade
8. The First Challenge: Weather and time have besmirched and corroded the railing colour
7. The Solution: Sandwaxing paper and sponges. Let's get on it
8. The Second Challenge: Vegetation has wrapped itself around some railings, making painting intractable
9. The Solution: Chop it's face off
10. Boo-ya! That's how we roll, baby. Of course, now someone has to actually remove all that dead plant-life...

11. Since I'm here, might as well get the watering done as well
12. Aaah! That felt good. Now just gotta wait for it to fill out...
13. ...turum-turururum...i'm at mah farm, waterin' mah plants...tururum...

14. Wait a second! What was that noise?!

15. Horse-thieves maybe?! It came from over there...

16. Damn it, and my sword is upstairs! Quick, must find someth-aha!
17. Now we're talking.
18. movement...
19. Guess I scared them off. Yeah, baby! After all this excitement and labour, better get some lunch

20. Salad doesn't really count. So let's see, what else is light and natural...
21. Well deserved!

But I while was doing all of that to deserve the above, I have the feeling someone else has been slacking off...hmm...
22. You there! Back to work!

I don't want any excuses for Naxos on September!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

From here to Naxos in 12 easy steps

It begun, as things often do, with an invitation to lunch. But if I was going to go to all the trouble of feeding three hungry Greek women, I had better get something in return. And I did: Naxos.

1. It all started innocuously enough, early in the morning. Might as well get a swim in first, before they pour in, so loaded up on essential beach wear:

2. Not enough time to dabble at the beach today, so a quick pass by the harbour. New ferries are in:

3. I can at least pick up some Jamaican coffee on the way back, from the designer coffee shop:

 4. Right, let's head back and do this thing. No more fighting windmills:

5. Now to find something to cook. Hmm...let's see - aha!Nature, the Great Provider, sends something my way:

6. Looks good, but these are Greeks we're talking about, this will barely be a starter...

~ Intermission: Random Objects ~

~ End of Intermission ~

7. They're here, and they're ready to dive in. If only they knew!
8. Now they're fed, finally time to get some use out of them. Firstly,  going to give one of them to my big neighbour, for helping me out tomorrow with the paining. He gets to pick which one:

9. Secondly, they must give me suggestions for the perfect Greek island to go to in late Aug/Sept. Going to have some more ice cold coffee and mull it over...

10. Naxos it is!

11. Not too far away from Athens, some of the best beaches in Greece and great food! But before then, it's almost afternoon...blargh...gotta get started on some actual work for today:

12. Going downstairs to get cracking on the scrubbing with these, see you soon. In the meantime...